Brian Siepka

Advisor - Quantitative and Qualitative Research

As an Advisor at S.I.R., Brian primarily works with the research team, dealing in quantitative and qualitative research development, execution, analysis, and reporting.

While his degree in finance may only be tangentially related to market research at best, Brian has been able to successfully pivot his analytical mindset from numbers to consumers: understanding behaviors, attitudes, wants, needs, and everything in between.

With a keen eye and obsessive attention to detail, he readily identifies trends and pieces together the bigger picture for clients, helping them uncover “who, what, and why.”

Looking Upward:

I went through a bit of a “space phase” in college, and naturally enrolled in a couple of astronomy classes. During one class, we were discussing Europa, the ice-covered moon of Jupiter, and the hope of finding bacterial life in the ocean underneath its surface. (Very cool — I highly recommend looking it up.) My professor chimed in, “Why bacteria? I think we should poke our heads down and look for sharks.” It was a throw away “joke” that got a few exhale-chuckles, but it stuck with me for another reason — so often do we have our sights hyper-focused on the minutia that we miss the bigger purpose.

It is through this lens that I approach my work — the dirt is in the details, but if you lose sight of what it all amounts to, then what’s the point?


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Becky Chipman